This web site is designed to help you learn about the MLF program, and discover why it has become such a vital Christian mission. With homelessness and hunger posing a major problem throughout the world and in San Antonio, it is our goal to help alleviate some of that suffering. Since 2007 MLF volunteers have served 800,000+ meals to 16 San Antonio area locations. Interested? Take a few minutes to explore the impact our program has shown.
How can I help?
- Support the work of MLF with your Time
- Support the work of MLF with your Talent
- Support the work of MLF with your Treasure
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Total number of meals served (January 2007 – December 2022)
Average meals per month (2020)
Number of active MLF volunteers
Average time commitment per shift (hours)
About MLF
The Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc. (MLF) program began in 1998 as an outreach ministry at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Austin, Texas. It was founded on the guiding principle of "providing permanent, sustainable solutions for the chronically homeless, with compassion, love, and dignity." From its humble beginnings with six St. John Neumann parishioners who delivered 75 sack lunches per day, Mobile Loaves & Fishes has grown into a nation-wide movement that includes 16 meal trucks and 17,208 volunteers in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Texas. To date, the Austin-based MLF program and its affiliates have served over 4.4 million meals.
In 2006, the St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Mobile Loaves & Fishes core team approached St. Francis of Assisi parishioners with a proposal for establishing a new MLF ministry. The promise of seed money and organizational support was bolstered by the Austin-based MLF program's donation of a catering truck. Recognizing the plight and ever-growing problem of hunger in the San Antonio area, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church excitedly joined the MLF ministry in January 2007.

The initial St. Francis of Assisi call for volunteers brought over 500 parishioners into the ministry. In the intervening years, the MLF ministry has involved over 450 parishioners and other volunteers from area businesses, churches, and civic groups including: Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Newcomers of San Antonio, NuStar Energy L. P., and the San Pedro Presbyterian Church. From an initial goal of serving only supper seven days a week, the MLF program expanded to include lunch and supper every day of the week. The program provides various services to 16 San Antonio area locations, including House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Guadalupe Community Center, Interfaith Welcome Coalition, St. Vinnys Bistro, refugee communities near the Medical Center, and several parishes on the South and West sides of the city.
In September 2016, our Mobile Loaves & Fishes program completed the organizational transition of changing its parent sponsor from MLF Austin to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. In effect, MLF has become a ministry under the umbrella of our existing parish. The dedication, hard work, and tireless efforts of the St. Francis of Assisi and other area MLF volunteers have enabled our ministry to serve a total of 800,000+ meals from 2007 through December 2022.
Volunteer Now!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Mobile Loaves & Fishes (MLF). Our ministry has been operating at St. Francis of Assisi since January 2007. We have many flexible opportunities as most people volunteer once per month, but you are welcome to sign up for more days if you are interested. We have preparation and delivery teams that make meals and then deliver them to 16 locations around the city. We serve the homeless, working poor and refugee communities in San Antonio. The dedication, hard work, and tireless efforts of the St. Francis of Assisi and other area MLF volunteers have enabled the ministry to serve a total of 800,000+ meals from 2007 through December 2022.
- Clothing team: meet monthly to sort and arrange donated clothing and toiletries
- Commissary team: assist with inventory and receiving of MLF food shipments
- Condiment team: prepare packets of condiments (at home) for use by meal delivery teams
- Egg boiling team: boil eggs at MLF kitchen once per month
- Meal delivery team: transport (lunch or supper) meals to various MLF locations
- Meal prep teams: prepare (lunch or supper) meals for delivery
- SAFB transport: pick-up MLF food orders from the San Antonio Food Bank
Please indicate the MLF team(s) in which you are interested (i.e. clothing team, commissary team, condiment team, egg boiling team, meal delivery team, meal prep team, or SAFB transport.)
For meal delivery or meal prep teams, please note the day of the week and whether lunch or supper works best for you: e.g. 2nd Wednesday / lunch prep. You can also specify volunteering for the substitutes listing to fill-in as needed for the various shifts.
All volunteers need to complete a background check and acknowledge our code of conduct.
How to Help
Recalling the words of our patron St. Francis of Assisi's peace prayer, "For it is in giving that we receive," there are a number of different ways that you can donate to the St. Francis of Assisi Mobile Loaves & Fishes ministry.
These are the various MLF teams that need volunteers: clothing sorting, commissary monitoring, condiment packing, egg boiling, meal preparation and delivery, and truck maintenance. For additional information or questions, submit a Volunteer Application or contact us at volunteermlf@gmail.com.
Clothing that is laundered, mended, practical, and useable is always needed. All sizes and types can be donated, including shoes that are in good condition. New socks are always treasured. Any toiletries are welcome, but toothpaste and toothbrushes are in high demand. These items can be deposited in the MLF collection bin in the church hallway. For additional information on clothing donations or to assist with the sorting job, contact us at volunteermlf@gmail.com.
There are various ways that monetary support can be given to the MLF ministry.
- Cash or check contributions can be placed in the thrice yearly black bag collection taken up during weekend masses.
A credit card or bank account withdrawal donation can be arranged through the St. Francis of Assisi secure online donation system. To make a donation to the MLF program, you must select the MOBILE LOAVES AND FISHES entry at the "My Donation" option.
Make a Donation